Sometimes you see bombs, sadmac faces and plain old errors, well here is the list of those errors and some solutions to them. Many of them make as much sense as the code they are written in. But if you get these errors and you have a source of explaination for them to supply to 1-800-SOS-APPL or to your service rep, well there is a better chance that your problem can be identified.
If you see any of the following codes (usually in the bomb window), it usually means that a serious error has occurred in the program that you were running. Unless you have a debugger (such as MacBugs) installed, these errors are usually so serious that you have to restart your Macintosh. Not that the fact that these errors are being displayed is important; what the errors are generaly is not important. If your program is frequently bombing when you are running it, there are generally five possible causes:
1. The program has a bug in it.
2. The directory has become corrupted.
3. The is an INIT (control panal or extention) conflict.
4. The system software has become corrupted.
5. Or there is some minor corruption of your hardware (such as your hard disk).
Following are some suggestions that you should try inorder to fix the problem.
• Increase the amount of memory a program has - - many program problems are caused by low memory conditions. You should increase the memory at least to the "suggested size"; if the memory is already that size, try increasing it by another 512K.
• Restart your machine with the "Shift" key held down. Doing this tells your Macintosh to shut off the INITS and Extentions. You can determine that the problem may be an extention conflict. Newer systems have an "Extention Manager" that can assist you in your problem.
• You may have an outdated version of the program. Contact the program manufacturer to find out if you have a compatable version.
17 dsNoPackErr package 0 not present [List Manager]
18 dsNoPk1 package 1 not present [Reserved by Apple]
19 dsNoPk2 package 2 not present [Disk Initialization]
20 dsNoPk3 package 3 not present [Standard File]
21 dsNoPk4 package 4 not present [Floating-Point Arithmetic]
22 dsNoPk5 package 5 not present [Transcendental Functions]
23 dsNoPk6 package 6 not present [International Utilities]
24 dsNoPk7 package 7 not present [Binary/Decimal Conversion]
25 dsMemFullErr out of memory!
26 dsBadLaunch can't launch file
27 dsFSErr file system map has been trashed
28 dsStknHeap stack has moved into application heap
30 dsReinsert request user to reinsert off-line volume
31 dsNotThe1 not the disk I wanted (obsolete)
33 negZcbFreeErr ZcbFree has gone negative
40 dsGreeting welcome to Macintosh greeting
41 dsFinderErr can't load the Finder error
42 shutDownAlert handled like a shutdown error (obsolete)
43 dsSystemFileErr can’t find System file to open (obsolete)
51 dsBadSlotInt unserviceable slot interrupt
81 dsBadSANEopcode bad opcode given to SANE Pack4
84 menuPrgErr happens when a menu is purged
85 dsMBarNFnd SysErr -- cannot find MBDF
86 dsHMenuFindErr SysErr -- recursively defined HMenus
87 dsWDEFnFnd Could not load WDEF
88 dsCDEFnFnd Could not load CDEF
89 dsMDEFnFnd Could not load MDEF
98 dsNoPatch Can't patch for particular Model Mac
99 dsBadPatch Can't load patch resource
101 dsParityErr memory parity error
102 dsOldSystem System is too old for this ROM
103 ds32BitMode booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit sys
20000 dsShutDownOrRestart user choice between ShutDown and Restart
20001 dsSwitchOffOrRestart user choice between switching off and Restart
20002 dsForcedQuit allow the user to ExitToShell, return if Cancel
32767 dsSysErr general system error (catch-all used in DSAT)
Explanation of Negative Codes:
If a program that you are running reports error -34, disk full, this means that there isn't enough room on the disk that you are trying to save the file. You will need to switch to Finder and either empty your Trash or delete some unused files. If a program reports error -108, out of memory, you will need to quit your program, and increase the amount of memory that it is using.
If you see any of the other errors describes herin, which error number that is reported is not as important as the error it reported.
Not that the fact that these errors are being displayed is important; what the errors are generaly is not important. If your program is frequently bombing when you are running it, there are generally five possible causes:
1. The program has a bug in it.
2. The directory has become corrupted.
3. The is an INIT (control panal or extention) conflict.
4. The system software has become corrupted.
5. Or there is some minor corruption of your hardware (such as your hard disk).
Following are some suggestions that you should try inorder to fix the problem.
• Increase the amount of memory a program has - - many program problems are caused by low memory conditions. You should increase the memory at least to the "suggested size"; if the memory is already that size, try increasing it by another 512K.
• Restart your machine with the "Shift" key held down. Doing this tells your Macintosh to shut off the INITS and Extentions. You can determine that the problem may be an extention conflict. Newer systems have an "Extention Manager" that can assist you in your problem.
• You may have an outdated version of the program. Contact the program manufacturer to find out if you have a compatable version.
General System Errors (VBL Mgr, Queue, Etc.)
0 noErr 0 for success *OR*
0 smNotTruncated No truncation necessary
-1 qErr queue element not found during deletion *OR*
-1 smTruncErr Truncation indicator alone is wider than the
specified width
-2 vTypErr invalid queue element
-3 corErr core routine number out of range
-4 unimpErr unimplemented core routine
-5 SlpTypeErr invalid queue element
-8 seNoDB no debugger installed to handle debugger command
Color Manager Errors
-9 iTabPurgErr from Color2Index/ITabMatch
-10 noColMatch from Color2Index/ITabMatch
-11 qAllocErr from MakeITable
-12 tblAllocErr from MakeITable
-13 overRun from MakeITable
-14 noRoomErr from MakeITable
-15 seOutOfRange from SetEntry
-16 seProtErr from SetEntry
-17 i2CRangeErr from SetEntry
-18 gdBadDev from SetEntry
-19 reRangeErr from SetEntry
-20 seInvRequest from SetEntry
-21 seNoMemErr from SetEntry
I/O System Errors
-17 controlErr Driver can't respond to Control call
-18 statusErr Driver can't respond to Status call
-19 readErr Driver can't respond to Read call
-20 writErr Driver can't respond to Write call
-21 badUnitErr Driver ref num doesn't match unit table
-22 unitEmptyErr Driver ref num specifies NIL handle in unit table
-23 openErr Requested read/write permission doesn't match
driver's open permission, or
Attempt to open RAM serial Driver failed
-24 closErr Close failed; Permission to close .MPP driver
was denied
-25 dRemovErr tried to remove an open driver
-26 dInstErr DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources
-27 abortErr IO call aborted by KillIO; Publisher has written
a new edition *OR*
-27 iIOAbortErr IO abort error (Printing Manager)
-28 notOpenErr Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened
-29 unitTblFullErr Unit table has no more entries
-30 dceExtErr dce extension error
File System Errors
-33 dirFulErr Directory full
-34 dskFulErr Disk full
-35 nsvErr No such volume; volume not found
-36 ioErr I/O error (bummers)
-37 bdNamErr Bad file name; there may be no bad names
in the final system!
-38 fnOpnErr File not open
-39 eofErr End of file; no additional data in the format
-40 posErr Tried to position to before start of file (r/w)
-41 mFulErr Memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)
-42 tmfoErr too many files open
-43 fnfErr File not found; Folder not found;
Edition container not found; Target not found
-44 wPrErr Diskette is write protected; Volume is locked
through hardware
-45 fLckdErr File is locked
-45 fLckedErr Publisher writing to an edition
-46 vLckdErr Volume is locked through software
-47 fBsyErr File is busy (delete); Section doing I/O
-48 dupFNErr Duplicate filename (rename); File found
instead of folder
-49 opWrErr File already open with with write permission
-50 paramErr Error in user parameter list
-51 rfNumErr Reference number invalid
-52 gfpErr Get file position error
-53 volOffLinErr Volume is off line
-54 permErr Software lock on file; Not a subscriber
[permissions error on file open]
-55 volOnLinErr drive volume already on-line at MountVol
-56 nsDrvErr no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)
-57 noMacDskErr not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)
-58 extFSErr External file system — file system identifier is nonzero
-59 fsRnErr file system internal error: during rename the old
entry was deleted but could not be restored…
-60 badMDBErr bad master directory block
-61 wrPermErr Write permissions error; Not a publisher